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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Taken From..


The Symptoms of Anxiety
- General nervousness
- Thinking and over-analyzing too much
- Body sensations of rapid heart-beat, difficulty breathing, sweating, breaking out in cold sweat and shakiness
- Hyperventilating
- Predicting the worst and "future tripping" (what if?. . .)
- Intrusive and obsessional thoughts, usually about safety issues
- Worrying and not being able to think positively
- Feelings of "out of control" and that one is going lose one's mind
- Self doubt

-->That's me

"Fear is a good thing. It is a God-given emotion that tells us something is dangerous in our environment. It can be used to help keep from poor choices. It is when our lives are ruled by fear that is when it becomes a problem. With Generalized Anxiety Disorder"

"Believe it or not, deep breathing and relaxation are very beneficial to recovering from panic disorder and anxiety. It is very difficult for the person who already experiences anxiety to "calm themselves down." "

"Another element that people with anxiety struggle with is the need to feel in control. The irony is that the more they think that they control, the more out of control they are. We try to control people, places, and situations. The irony is that we often try to control the things we don't have control over, which are "people, places and things" and yet we have learned to control what we can."

"In recovery from anxiety, we work on "letting go," and changing irrational belief systems. The process of counseling can be helpful to help the client let go of negative beliefs and to think more healthy thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which involves changing negative beliefs or irrational beliefs into more healthier beliefs. This is a process and once the thinking has changed, the panic usually doesn't come back "-->i need this

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Moment To Rest my Head

I'm surrounded by sick people.Trying my best not to be like them.Very hard.Because bits by bits..they manage to pull you to become one of them.Just wish I can get out of here as soon as possible so that I won't have to see them anymore.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Anak ayah mesti kuat.
Tak peduli apa orang buat pada dia.
Takkan jatuh kerana orang lain.
Mesti sabar.
Anak ayah mesti kawal kemarahan.
Sebab kemarahan itu kawan syaitan.