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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Conflict Today

Should I envy those who work 9-5?Should I envy those who work in the office?Should I envy those who can have ample time of sleep?

Should I assume that getting to work in the female ward is a blessing to be able to learn to work harder?or should I take it as entering another hell?Should I envy those who has real friends?

Today,was a blessing in the earlier part of the day because mother crab wasn't around.When it came towards the end,it wasn't a blessing anymore.No one wanted to help me do a peritoneal tap.

And the patient irritates the hell out of me.Telling me how many fluids he wanted me to take out.Telling how to do a procedure just because he has undergone it 3 times.Comparing me with another housemen.Wide-eyed when I told him I just worked for 2 months plus.When the-so-great housemen is also my batch.
Being human,I totally lost my patience.
He's still alive.Don't worry.