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Saturday, March 29, 2008

*sigh* 2

I was on the phone with my mother a while ago.She updated me with my father's progresses.More on the dramas in the MAKNA ward.It actually took 30mins for a nurse to attend to the patient after the patient buzzed them...WOW!Any patient with respiratory distress would have said bye- bye to the world already.Maybe they think my father does not have any respiratory or emergency problem,they can take all the sweet time they want?Perhaps.We can never get a true answer reagarding this matters.Maybe they think because my father passed motion and called them to clean him up and they are very reluctant to do so..so they take their own sweet time?God knows.

The pitiful part of this whole thing is that my father realised that the nurses have started to boycott him.Is that possible?It's always possible among the non-dedicated nurses.Who prioritise their feelings compared to their duty to the patients.So whenever the nurses passed his room,he smiled at them,maybe to soften their hearts.So they can be in good terms again.Well,it's not working.I guess the nurses really keep serious grudges.Sad.So my mother asked the matron,what is wrong with the nurses??Guess what the matron answered?->All the nurses 'segan' want to enter my father's room because he's a doctor and they are afraid of making mistakes?Hohoho..new stuff that I heard today.Lying?Possible..

It's such a depressing ward.Another patient,very young in his thirties passed away earlier today,mom said.Brain tumour.Left behind his young children.

Don't worry,I don't have anything against nurses.Only those who don't do their work well.Also to doctors who's very smart,but don't have a good PR.